Cross-referencing within the book

We recommend using the cross-referencing style as described in the JupyterBook for chapters or files, and different contents of chapters such as sections and figures.

Labels are a way to add tags to parts of your content or a file that you can reference later on. This is helpful because you can quickly insert labels to other parts of your book.

Labels in JupyterBook

To add a label for a section or a chapter/subchapter, use a syntax of the following pattern before the element you wish to label:

# The thing that I want to label

You can insert cross-references to the labels of sections in your file with the following syntax:


Similarly, you can use labels for cross referencing chapters or subchapters.

Please see details in the examples given below.

The Turing Way naming convention for the labels

We recommend using the following naming standard for labels, which will allow different authors and contributors of The Turing Way to intuitively identify the locations of the files where these labels have been created.

The following naming convention for the labels for different chapters:


Here, the first placeholder sectioninitials should be replaced by the initials for different sections in the book and the second placeholder filename should be replaced by the name of file where the label is being created.

For the different sections of the book, we will use the following sectioninitials:

  • Reproducible Research: rr

  • Project Design: pd

  • Collaboration: clb

  • Contribution: cnt

  • Ethical Research: er

  • Community Handbook: ch

For example, in the guide Reproducible Research, we have a chapter called Overview. We have created a label for that chapter called rr-overview by adding the label on the top of the header by using the following directive

# Overview

Similarly, for different subchapters we recommend extending the label name with another placeholder for subchapter’s name. For example, rr-overview-resources is a label in the guide “Reproducible Research” (rr) for the subchapter “Resources” for the “Overview” chapter (overview-resources). This label can be created by using the following directive in the corresponding file:

# Resources

In the same manner, for different sections in a subchapters we recommend extending the label name with another placeholder. This can be chosen by the authors, which should be a short yet sensible name for the section where the label is being created. For example, rr-overview-resources-addmaterial is a label in the guide “Reproducible Research” (rr) for the subchapter “Resources” for the “Overview” chapter (overview-resources) for the section for “Additional Materials” (addmaterails). This label can be created in the corresponding file for the suggested section name using the following directive:

## Additional Material

After a label is created, please update the information in the central table called file located in book/website/crossref/ directory.

Examples of cross-referencing

Examples for cross-referencing sections of chapters and subchapters

We will use examples for the chapters in “Reproducible Research” guide located in the book/website directory.

Case 1: When you cross-reference a section of the chapter within the same file before a label has been created.

Taking the previous example of rr-overview-resources-addmaterial, we can use this label to cross-reference it in an earlier section within the same file using the following:


This will appear in the online book like so: Additional material.

Case 2: When you cross-reference a section of the chapter within the same file after a label has been created.

In the same subchapter “Resources”, we have created a label rr-overview-resources-reading for the section “Further Reading”. We can cross-reference it in a later section within the same file using the following:


It will appear in your chapter like this: Further Reading.

Case 3: When you cross-reference a section of a chapter in a different file (chapter) before or after a label has been created.

In the subchapter “Definitions” of the “Overview” chapter, we have created a label rr-overview-definitions for the section “Table of definitions for reproducibility”.

We can cross-reference it in a different subchapter or chapter. In this case, let’s cross-reference it in the landing (main) page of the “Overview” chapter by using the following:


It will appear in your chapter like this: Definitions of Reproducibility.

Though we are demonstrating this example for subchapters within the same chapter (“Overview”), the similar syntaxes can be used for cross-referencing in other chapters within the book.

Examples for Cross referencing chapters and subchapters

Case 4: Cross-referencing a chapter or subchapter in a different file (chapter/subchapter) before or after a label has been created.

For example, in the landing page of the chapter “Open Research”, we have created a label rr-open. We can cross-reference it in the section “What to learn next?” in a different subchapter “Resources” of the “Overview” chapter by using the following:


It will appear in your chapter like this: Open research.

Though we are demonstrating this example for cross-referencing chapters and subchapters across the book, the same syntax can be used for cross-referencing subchapters within the same chapter.

Providing an alternative title for the references

For any of the above mentioned references, you can provide an alternative title while cross referencing by adding the title before the label as shown in this example:

{ref}`Chapter on Open Research<rr-open>`

here we are giving an alternative title to the ‘Open Research chapter’, which will appear in your file like this: Chapter on Open Research